TCR-D-SI-2C Vergussmasse auf Silikonbasis

TCR-D-SI-2C is a 2-part addition cure silicone potting compound which is filled with thermally conductive fillers of high temperature stability. After curing the system remains elastic. It is characterised by very good dielectric and mechanic properties and is suited for encapsulating electric and electronic parts such as transformators, capacitors, inductors, sensors, LEDs and can be moulded or dispensed at normal conditions at room temperature or in vacuum. Its rheologic behaviour allows for usage in geometries that are difficult to access.

  • Silicone
  • 2 part addition cure
  • Thermal conductivity: 0.68 W/mK
  • Remains elastic after curing
  • Almost zero stress on components
  • Dispensable or mouldable
  • High resistivity against water and humidity
  • Shock absorbing
  • 2 kg / 40 kg (2 x 20 kg) AB Kit

Thermal link of:

  • Inductors
  • Capacitors
  • Heat Pipes
  • BGA

For use in Automotive applications / Telecommunication / Controlling units / Industrial PCs

Density @ 23 °Cg/cm³1.61.6
MischungsverhältnisGew. oder Vol.1 : 11 : 1
HardnessShore A4545
Viskosität (Brookfield)Pas66
Viskosität (gemischt) (Brookfield)Pas66
Tensile Strength (cured elastomer after 7 minutes @ 150 °C)MPa252252
Bruchdehnung (7 Minuten Aushärtung @ 150 °C )%240240
Wärmeausdehnungskoeffizient (7 Minuten Aushärtung @ 150 °C )
Volumetrisch1 x 10-6 /K650650
Linear1 x 10-6 /K217217
Topfzeit @ 23 °C, 65 % rel. F.Minutenca. 100ca. 100
Curing Time @ 25 °C / 100 °C24 Stunden / 7 Minuten24 Stunden / 7 Minuten
Shelf Life (from Date of Manufacturing, unopened, @ < 30 °C)Months2424
UL FlammabilityUL 94VOVO
RoHS Conformity2015 / 863 / EUYesYes
Thermal ConductivityW/mK0.680.68
Operating Temperature Range°C- 55 bis + 260- 55 bis + 260
Dielectric StrengthkV/mm> 18> 18
Volume ResistivityOhm-cm4.02 x 10144.02 x 1014
Dielectric Constant@ 1 kHz3.083.08
Verlustfaktor@ 1 kHz0.0090.009

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