PRODUCT OF THE MONTH – February 2025

In today’s world of compact, high-performance electronics, rising operational temperatures are a given. Without effective thermalmanagement, reliability and lifespan take a serious hit. How do you ensure your components stay cool under pressure?

Enter our TGF-RSS-SI gapfiller — your go-to solution for superior heat dissipation. With a thermal conductivity of 3.0 W/mK and unmatched softness, it ensures optimal thermal contact with minimal pressure. Whether in automotive, medical devices, or consumer electronics, its natural tackiness simplifies pre-assembly, while optional reinforcements, like glass fiber inlays or a glass-fiber reinforced film laminate, boost mechanical stability.

Reach out today and discover how the TGF-RSS-SI can revolutionize your designs.
Contact us for further information or an individual consultation:
+49 7021 73141 79

Ready to learn more? Then check the product site.



Product of the month February 2025: TGF-RSS-SI, SILICONE GAP FILLER PADS

Product of the Month February 2025: TGF-RSS-SI

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