TGF-UP-SI is an electrically insulating, thermally super-conductive #GapFiller made from silicone, designed to establish excellent #ThermalConnections even across large gaps. Whether bridging height differences between electronic components or accommodating substantial tolerances, this silicone-based wonder material does it all!


Thanks to its unique composition, in which silicone elastomer is mixed with ceramic powder, TGF-UP-SI achieves a high thermal conductivity and has proven its worthiness in the #automotive sector, #notebooks, #MedicalTechnology, #industrialcomputers and #NetworkCommunications, for example.


What’s more, TGF-UP-SI’s softness and pliable nature allow for optimal thermal contact with very low pressure. This means you can achieve an ideal heat transfer even with the lightest touch.


And here’s the icing on the cake: TGF-UP-SI’s natural adhesive properties make pre-application an absolute breeze! No more wrestling with messy materials—simply apply and go!


Ready to take your #ThermalManagement game to the next level?
Then reach out to us today to learn more and get started.
+49 7021 73141 79


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