Product of the Month: silicone-free Gap Filler Pad TGF-NSS1000-NS

Super compliable and soft to minimize thermal resistance – this month we would like to introduce the silicone-free Gap Filler Pad TGF-NSS1000-NS to you.

It provides excellent force-deflection reducing stress on sensitive components. And it is silicone-free, so there’s no siloxane outgassing. This makes it ideal for low contact pressures, such as in servers or optoelectronics and is widely applied by our customers.

Contact us, if it also fits in your application!
International +49 7021 73141 79

You can find all details about the Gap-Filler Pad here: https://www.hala-tec.com/gap-filler-silicone-free/silicone-free-gap-filler-very-soft/tgf-nss-ns/


Product of the month

Product of the month

Product of the month


Product of the month

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